Facebook groups created by and for baby boomers provide a great deal of nostalgia and entertainment for many of us. A great way to find a lot of “that was then, this is now” comparisons. One of the first baby boomer groups that I became aware of was the “Northeast Philly baby Boomers” It’s also my personal favorite. Their rules are simple as you can see for yourself below:
Posted by Faith Blitman:
The few rules we have here were not chosen arbitrarily but help ensure that this group runs smoothly. They are: (1) No excessive profanity or pornographic images; (2) No bullying. Feel free to disagree but keep it respectful; (3) No racist comments and (4) No political posts or responding to political posts.. Offensive posts will be removed along with the member who initiated them. If you feel offended by a post, please alert one of the moderators so we can help. Let’s work together to keep this a safe and fun group for all. Thank you.
P.S. Unless it’s a class reunion or charity event, don’t even think about advertising here. All ads should be placed in “Advertising For Northeast Baby Boomers.”
Music Challenge
I Used To Hang Out in Rittenhouse Square In the Sixties
Rittenhouse Square was sort of like a mini Central Park on the outskirts of a mini Greenwich Village (Samson Street) on the outskirts of Center City, Philadelphia.It was the site of many a groovy scene during the sixties. Love-Ins, Be-Ins, Live concerts, and jsut a lot of all-around hanging out. Everybody who was anybody hung out in Rittenhouse Square at one time or another. To this day, people still enjoy the area.
Here’s a link to their FB page:
I Used to Hang Out At Rittenhouse Square In The 60’s-Philadelphia