Latest Posts
Money Matters – 5 Ways to Earn Money After Retirement

Medicare for Baby Boomers by Danielle Kunkle
An introduction to Medicare for Baby Boomers by guest blogger Danielle Kunkle from Boomer Benefits takes us on a walkthrough of what to expect when you become eligible for Medicare.
Facebook Groups for Baby Boomers
Check out some Baby Boomer Facebook groups
Become a Pet Sitter
Nice, Healthy Side Gig for Baby Boomers
A Don Rickles Encounter
Read the Story
Do Glucosamine Supplements Really Work?
Hal talks about joint pain and reecommends his favorite Glucosamine supplement.
Betty White and Allen Ludden
Goodbye to Boomers Favorites in 2018
People of note who passed in 2018
Celebrities Who Died in 2017
The list keeps growing, Sad to see so many of our icons leave us. Here’s a current list of stars who have touched our lives so profoundly, that left us in 2017.
2016 – A Boomer Retrospect
A Year in Review
Chuck Berry
Greg Lake, Alan Thicke
Guest Bloggers
Of course I cannot do this alone. I’ve invited some very special guest writers and bloggers to participate in growing this site. Several have already been contacted and are working on content at this very moment. If you would like to be a guest blogger… hey, twist my arm! We will be happy to consider qualified contributors who would like to share their stories, vignettes, anecdotes or other forms of prose and poetry, news, jokes or articles of interest to baby boomers. Anyone know a good cartoonist? Keep visiting every now in then so you don’t miss any updates. There’s always going to be new stuff!
Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds (pages pending)
Greg Lake, Alan Thicke
AARP Review
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
It Always Comes in Threes

Singing This Song For You, Leon Russell
RIP Leon
Robert Vaughn Dead at 83
The Man From Uncle Lives On
A Eulogy For Leonard Cohen
“China’s Hottest Grandpa” Turns 80
Happy Birthday, Wang!

New Book Review!
Adventures in Grocery Shopping by Dan May
Newsworthy and Latest Posts
What about Bob?
Rolling Stones – First New Album in a Decade
BOOMER TECH REVIEW: The Roku Will Rock You
Must Haves: Roku Players, Amazon Fire Stick and Streaming Players
New York Times Reviews “Motown” [MORE]
RIP Garry Marshall – the creator of Happy Days – Dead at 81
New News for Old Gamers from Nintendo
Joe Perry Update – Steve Tyler expresses concern for his pal.
New Time Magazine Issue 99% Politics-Free
Rest In Peace, Elie Wiesel
A Prairie Home Companion –
For Garrison Keillor’s 40-Year-Old Detour, The Road Has Ended
Not Just Another Baby Boomer Site…
Because every one of us has experienced their “boomerness” differently. And I honestly think my journey is unique enough to qualify for it’s own website and just maybe, you’ll find “Stuff” here you won’t find anywhere else. Not physical stuff, mind you; I’m talking about stuff that only someone who was in those situations in a certain place and time could possibly relate. But more than that, this is a living , breathing community. Interactive. Entertaining. Educational. Inspirational. In time, it will become what it will become.
Que sera, sera!
Don’t laugh. Those words won me a four day, three night vacation in Mexico City, Mexico on the Dating Game in 1980! (I was bachelor #3 and I pray they never rerun that episode, even though I won). And the translation of those words… “What will be, will be”. That’s the whole point of this website. In order for it to work, I’m asking for participation from my visitors. Or should I say “guests”? I encourage you to comment on my blog posts.
My Great American Journey
I grew up in Philadelphia, PA. A few years after graduating high school, I moved to Southern California. I spent the first 6 years as a singing waiter and bartender between the Great American Food & Beverage Company in Santa Monica and Poppy’s Star in Encino. Both were very trendy, touristy restaurants, often frequented by rock stars and celebrities. So, expect some great stories here coming out my experiences working and playing those amazing rooms.
Speaking of amazing rooms, after the first 8 years, mostly in Venice, CA, my life took a sharp left and I ended up in the San Fernando Valley where i continued to work as a bartender over the course of the next 20 years in Reseda, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Calabasas, and ultimately in Studio City… ten years at Jerry’s Famous Deli and then seven years at the Starlite Room before returning to my hometown of Philadelphia PA. Full circle.
Follow my Great American Journey blog. Find out what a long strange trip it’s been!
Please Subscribe and get my eBook FREE.
Please subscribe and bookmark this page. Fill out the contact form on the upper right and we’ll keep you posted. Don’t worry about spam. You won’t get any unless you buy a can for yourself at the supermarket. I’ll only send out an occasional newsletter with items of interest.
When you subscribe, you will also get a free copy of my eBook – Hal’s Pain in the Butt – A Journal. You are free to share with anyone you know who has or is going through a bout with cancer. It’s my way of giving back after the love, prayers and support that helped me through my own episode that began in 2014.
Thank you,
Hi Hal,
This web site is very cool! I will be checking in at various time to see whaazzup! I am just curious why after all of those years living in So Cal did you return to Philly? I don’t know vry many people that have done that but that doens’t really mean anything since I really don’t meet all that many people.
Any way i love your site~ Great work~
Thak you for the kind words, Barbara! Well, I’d like to tell you that I moved back to Philadelphia because I lost a bet. But, the truth is, my Dad had just recently passed away from Parknisons Disease, and my mom’s health was beginning to decline. I had a great offer at that time for a decent music gig here, so I took the opportunity to return to be close to the family. I got re-accustomed to life on the East coast, and I still maintain contact with many of my friends on the Pacific coast. You might say I now have the best of both worlds. And who knows, I might still end up back in California at some point. Never say never… right?
I hope you do stop back. I intend to update this site quite regularly – a least a couple times a week. Till next time!
Please come to San Diego Hal.
Hey JD,
Not a bad idea. it’s definitely on my bucket list!
Going to Hawaii for my Honeymoon on July 10th, No more senior bachelor for me. Need a Squatty Potty Portable. Will introduce my new bride to it in Kaanapali. Oh the joys of being a baby boomer. thanks Hal
Quite a wedding gift you have in store there, my friend 🙂
Congratulations on your wedding!
Hi Hal,
A really great idea, us baby boomers have been through quite a trip.
I’m from England, so I saw the early year from a different perspective. Growing up in London in the years following the war, it was bomb sites, abandoned houses and a few unexploded bombs. So our view of the US was through films. Once we got over the war films. The glorification of war – when will it finish. We saw the new world. The star spangled banner was all that was new. The union jack – just old.
Then along came the Beatles and the Stones, its cool to be British. Where are we now?
Well I enjoyed that semi rant, so thanks for that.
I’m going to try the new and improved toilet position using a box prior to purchase.
Really great website, I will be back
Nice to get a perspective from “across the pond” Your Beatles and Stones were truly a gift to the rest of the world, not just us “Yanks”! And I still find a bird with a British accent very appealing!
Good luck with that box idea. I tried something sinilar prior to purchasing my Sqatty. I ended up getting mine for the design, as it slips put of the way easily and just seems to belong there. But that’s totally up to you. Thank you for for contributing to the conversation, Keith!
Please stay in touch,
Hi Hal –
I’ve been AWOL and haven’t seen your website lately. Wow! Great additions! Keep it up!
Like the Bachmann Turner Overdrive song says…
B-b-b-baby, you just ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
Hello Hal
This is such a great and informative site and has fun fun fun written all the way through it!
great colours great energy and love everything that you have done
best regards
Lovely web site. I can see a lot of thought and creativity went into this. Looking forward to keeping up with what’s new here!
Thank you Faith. I’m just about to post a page about your fabulous Facebook Group. Stay tuned…
Hey Hal. I found your comments on the AC Pop Festival. Big anniversary coming up. Can you bounce back to me to reminisce?
Jon T.
Hey Jonathan,
I am just now seeing this post and it is now September of 2019. Not sure how I missed this, but I would still be interested in reminiscing about AC Pop , etc. Also, I have since been doing a podcast (started in January of this year. It’s called Tales of the Road Warriors and I talked a little about the 50th anniversary of AC Pop Festival and Woodstock. The episode will be available Thursday through whatever means you listen to podcasts.