Health – Mind, Body, Spirit

Medicare for Baby Boomers

medicare For baby boomers

Medicare for Baby Boomers by Danielle Kunkle An Introduction to Medicare for Baby Boomers The wave of baby boomers began their entry into Medicare a few years ago. As more than 10,000 people now age into Medicare at 65 every…
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Happy Birthday Wang Deshun | 80 Year Old Super-Model

hottest grandpa in the world

When I grow up, I want to be Wang Deshun. That may sounds strange, coming from a baby boomer, but Wang is 80 years old, is in prime physical condition and works as a model, a DJ and a musician. So…
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Stop Snoring – Save Your Relationship -Save Your Life

Three Stooges - Curly Snoring

Snoring – Maybe a Slight  Problem. Maybe a BIG Problem I decided to write about snoring recently, while talking with a friend of mine who happens to be a nurse, I mentioned that I had launched this website dedicated to…
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